Titusville is a quiet community situated between I-95 and the Atlantic Ocean. A river does run through it – the scenic Indian River! From its banks you can find marvelous spots to fish and view spectacular space shuttle launches. You can reach Titusville from I-95 exits 79 and 80.
Places to Stay
Several of the major hotel chains do business here, including Best Western and Holiday Inn. For an inexpensive stay right on the highway, try the Luck’s Way Inn, 3655 Cheney Hwy. (SR 50), Titusville. Take I-95 exit 79 and head west at the end of the ramp. For a great view of the Indian River and shuttle launches, try the Holiday Inn Kennedy Space Center, 4951 S. Washington Ave. (US 1), Titusville.
For RVers, there are many nice resorts. The Great Outdoors provides RV sites for camping and if you like it you can build a home there. The resort also offers an 18-hole, 71-par championship golf course and aqua range which are open to the public for play. Try the Great Outdoors website at http://www.tgoresort.com, call them at 1-800-621-2267, or e-mail info@tgoresort.com.
There is also a brand new resort at the north border of Titusville called Seasons In The Sun; check the website at http://www.seasonsinthesunrvresort.com, call 1-877-687-7275, or contact them by e-mail at SeasonsInTheSnRV@aol.com.
Places to Eat
Titusville abounds with places to eat. A must-try for barbeque is Sonny’s Bar-B-Q, 2900 Cheney Hwy. (SR 50), right across from the Wal-Mart. Take exit 79 and head east at the end of the ramp.
For a taste of Southern charm, try Kloiber’s Cobbler Eatery, 337 S. Washington Ave. (US 1), Titusville. Take exit 79, head east on Cheney Hwy. (SR 50); at the Indian River, turn north (left) on Washington Ave. (US 1). You will go north for several miles through the city to the downtown district; once in the downtown district, Kloiber’s will be on the right, just south of Garden Street (SR 406).
A trip to Titusville is not complete without a stop at Dixie Crossroads, 1475 Garden St. (SR 406), Titusville. Take exit 80; at the end of the ramp head east on Garden Street (SR 406). Dixie Crossroads is across from the 7-Eleven, one block west of the intersection of Garden and Park. This beautifully landscaped restaurant specializes in seafood.
There are several chain restaurants at exit 79 (SR 50).
Places to See
Titusville is the place to go if you want to see space shots. The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center can be accessed from exit 79. Go east on Cheney Hwy. (SR 50); in front of Wal-Mart turn right onto Columbia Blvd. (SR 405) and proceed directly to the launch pads.
The Astronaut Hall of Fame and U.S. Space Camp are on the way there.
Getting Around
Titusville has five major roadways as reference points: I-95 running north and south; Washington Ave. (US 1) running north and south along the Indian River; Cheney Hwy. (SR 50) off exit 79 which runs east and west; Garden Street (SR 406), which runs east and west off exit 80; and SR 405, which is known as Columbia Blvd. to the south of Cheney Hwy. and South Street to the north of Cheney Hwy.
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