Arizona’s I-10 Widening Project in Phoenix Completed

Arizona I-10 Traffic | Arizona I-10 Construction | I-10 Exit Guide

The Arizona Department of Transportation has completed freeway-improvement work to enhance safety and provide more room for drivers who use westbound Interstate 10 west of downtown Phoenix.

New I-10 laneThe project added a new right lane along westbound I-10 between 27th and 43rd avenues, west of the I-17 “Stack” interchange, as part of $10 million in improvements that started in January 2019.

Crews also constructed new retaining walls along the right shoulder of westbound I-10 west of 35th Avenue. A new right merge lane was built between 35th and 43rd avenues.

The widening was done in coordination with the addition of new lanes traveling toward the Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway interchange, which opened last December.

Completing the widening also meant crews were able to reopen the westbound I-10 on-ramp at 35th Avenue and off-ramp at 43rd Avenue. The ramps had been closed for reconstruction in order to fit into the configuration of the new freeway lanes.

This I-10 widening project also included recent lane-striping adjustments to help with traffic flow along both directions of the Papago Freeway near the Loop 101 (Agua Fria Freeway) interchange.

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