The installation of improved lighting in the Interstate 10 Deck Park Tunnel north of downtown Phoenix has been completed. Arizona Department of Transportation crews have worked in stages this year to replace old fixtures in the tunnel with modern, energy efficient LED lights.
ADOT installed the last of the new lights in the eastbound side of the Deck Park Tunnel on Saturday morning, June 12. The entire $1.4 million project, which started in January, means that more than 1,500 new LED lights were installed along with the replacement of old lighting fixtures dating back to when the tunnel opened to traffic in 1990.
In addition to the improved lighting providing a safety enhancement, ADOT anticipates the use of LED lights in the tunnel will reduce energy consumption by more than 60 percent and produce more than $175,000 in annual energy savings.
The new LED bulbs produce an improved, brighter white light in the tunnel compared to the outdated yellow-toned high pressure sodium lights that have been replaced. Since LED lights last longer than the high pressure sodium bulbs, crews will not have to replace them as often.
As with the old lighting system, the improved LED tunnel lights are now set at appropriate transitioning levels during daylight and nighttime hours to allow a driver’s vision to adapt given outside lighting levels. For example, the system runs fewer lights at night because of lower nighttime light levels outside the tunnel.
The I-10 tunnel extends approximately three-quarters-of-a-mile between Third Street and Third Avenue north of downtown Phoenix. The lighting project was paid for with available ADOT maintenance funds.
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