A new connector that allows drivers from I-10 Katy Freeway direct access to outbound US 290 and I-610 North Loop east is nearing completion. The Texas Department of Transportation’s contractor working on the US 290 Project J-1 accelerated work on this ramp, which will provide welcome relief to drivers who experience the daily weave on I-610 West Loop northbound mainlanes between I-10 and US 290.
Crews will work this weekend to finalize pavement markings and signage and then safely switch traffic to the new lanes. The following will be closed:
From 7 p.m., Saturday, May 20, through 5 a.m., Monday, May 22
- I-10 east- and westbound connector ramps to I-610 northbound will be closed. Drivers will be detoured to I-610 southbound, exit at Woodway, and U-turn to I-610 northbound.
- I-610 northbound from US 290 to West 18th will have two outside lanes closed.
- I-610 northbound exit ramp to US 290 will have the outside lane closed on the ramp. The exit ramp will be closed for approximately one hour as work progresses.
Once the new connector is opened, drivers will need to adjust to the new traffic configuration.
- From I-10: The exit from I-10 will remain in its current location. Instead of joining the I-610 mainlanes, drivers will move toward the right onto the new, three-lane connector. The inside lane will exit to US 290, and the right two lanes will continue to I-610 eastbound. There will be an exit from the connector to access West 18th/Minimax/Hempstead.
- From I-610 northbound: Two additional mainlanes will open north of Old Katy Road, giving a total of five mainlanes. The outside lane will become a dedicated exit ramp to US 290, with four mainlanes continuing on I-610, and an optional exit to West 18th. Past the exit, the outside lane merges, giving a total of three mainlanes continuing on I-610.
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